What can you tell about occluded fronts?

What can you tell about occluded fronts?

Occluded fronts are formed during the process of cyclogenesis when a cold front overtakes a warm front. When this occurs, the warm air is separated (occluded) from the cyclone center at the Earth's surface.

Occluded fronts usually form around mature low pressure areas.

Tell me, I was looking out the window and I saw white strokes coming out of the engines at cruising level, but I didn’t see it from an aircraft taking off, why is that and what is the difference?

Tell me, I was looking out the window and I saw white strokes coming out of the engines at cruising level, but I didn’t see it from an aircraft taking off, why is that and what is the difference?

Those are contrails.

The jet engine exhaust gases consist of carbon dioxide and water vapour.

At high altitudes the wator vapour gets released in a very cold environment. This can cause the air to be saturated with water vapour and then condenses. If cold enough the condense can freeze into white droplets. This forms the contrails.

How can you calculate the range of a VOR?

How can you calculate the range of a VOR?

By using the formula: Range (nm) = 1.23(√H1 + √H2)

H1=height of transmitter (feet)

H2=height of receiver (feet)

Describe the lift-weight pitching moments.

Describe the lift-weight pitching moments.

The weight of an aircraft is applied at the CG. The lift at the CP. The relative position between these 2 points determines the stability of the aircraft. For an Aircraft with a tail surface, a CG in front of the CP constitutes a stable system, while a CG behind the CP an unstable system.

What is Point of No Return (PNR)?

What is Point of No Return (PNR)?

The point during a flight at which an aircraft is no longer capable of returning to the airfield from which it took off due to fuel considerations.

Beyond this point the aircraft must proceed to some other destination.

What frequency range and band is an NDB in?

What frequency range and band is an NDB in?

Frequency range from 200-1750kHz, medium and low range frequency bands.

What is a Rhumb Line?

What is a Rhumb Line?

A line across the surface of the earth that cuts all meridians at the same angle. i.e. a track of constant direction.

A straight line on a Mercator chart.

You have lost both alternators, how long would the battery last and what would you do?

You have lost both alternators, how long would the battery last and what would you do?

30 minutes, I would land as soon as possible.

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

The glide range is not affected by the weight. Howver Vmd is. The heavier the aircraft, the higher the Vmd.

What effect does a wet runway have on V1?

What effect does a wet runway have on V1?

V1 is lower when the runway is wet than when the runway is dry, because of the longer ASDR on a wet runway.

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